Friday, July 2

Crackling Endorphines

I mentioned in my other post how I like to grow a bit along the art trail. I never set out to try something new. Ya know, I just get an idea and suddenly there I am in the studio doing something I haven’t done before. Something new. It always brings its own sort of excitement. Even if the attempt is a failure, it still brings on that heady tingle , I think some call it the artist high. I once heard it has to do with our endorphins jumping back and forth from left brain to right brain. But me being not so brainy, I really don’t know.

The whole point here though is last night I tried something different. My friend Julie Behm has been taking pet portrait classes. And you guys knowing me as the animal lover, and if you don’t for the record we have some 30 or so pets around here, I thought a pet portrait interesting. Further spurring this idea is Ky the Amazing (my husband) lost his families dog of many many years recently. I thought “what a better tribute and memorial” . So I grabbed my chalks and went to work. I am not sure it is a master piece or even closely resembles a masterpiece. But it was fun none the less and did flex my artistic brain a bit.

Julie also inspired me to have a word instead of a new years resolution and this too is in keeping with trying new things. As my word for the year was bloom. Bloom, I did. I have really tried to branch out and work on new ideas and projects whenever possible and not just in my art but all areas of my life. I think as I grow personally my art will grow along with me. Maybe, I don’t know. Like I said I have never really been the brainy one. At any rate I hope you enjoy the photo of my pet portrait.

His name was Guss but was commonly referred to as Gussy-Man.

Have a n explosively good week end, a real bang up of a time, get to crackin’ on that celebrating- okay sorry, really bad puns there.,…but seriously Have a safe and happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. I totally missed this post when I visited here the other day! So glad I could inspire you to try it out. Awesome! I've seen some of the others you've done and they're wonderful. I do have to say, you've definitely lived up to your word this year! I'm so happy for you. :)
